Tuesday, October 12, 2010


According to midrashic literature, Adam's first wife was not Eve but a woman named Lilith, who was created in the first Genesis account.

When God created Adam, he was lonely, so God created Lilith from the same dust from which Adam was molded. But they quarreled; Adam [the proverbial domineering male] wished to rule over Lilith. But Lilith [a militant feminist] was also proud and willful, claiming equality with Adam because she was created from the same dust.

One day Adam commanded Lilith to lay beneath him, she refused. She left Adam and fled the Garden. God sent three angels in pursuit of Lilith. They caught her and ordered her to return to Adam. She refused again.

They let her go, and God created Eve to be Adam's mate [created from Adam's rib, so that she couldn't claim equality]. Lilith was banished from the world of Adam and Eve but she occasionally managed to sneak back. She became Adam's forbidden fruit or the evil serpent, someone he could not forget about.

Who was she? Was there another woman that God created before Eve that rebelled? Was she an ancient Sumerian demon? Was she a counterpart to Lucifer? Was she the originator of demons and vampires? These questions and many others have been theorized and studied for centuries. One thing all accounts seem to agree upon... Lilith was a force to be reckoned with.


  1. According to 1 Corinthians 11:8 - "For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man." Eve originated from Adam's ribs. Then who's this Lilith? Whomsoever she may be, it doesn't look right to rebel and leave Adam claiming equality. Sexual Partnerships and Relationships enrich personal growth and development. They are like two sides of the same coin, can never be equal but always UNIQUE. And there is a great difference. The Male with all his vigor, vitality and heroism represents masculine energy and the female with all her natural beauty & charm, patience, innocence etc., represent feminine. And the merging of both is the source of creation. Rather that saying they are equal, it would be wise to say that the Hero and Heroine both are unique and enough unto themselves. Each one is the best fit in freely fulfilling their natural purpose.

  2. आय एम शेयरिंग दिस पेज औं ऍफ़ बी औं इंटर्नेशनल वूमंस दे.थैंक्स .

  3. thanx for Cosmic and Existetial Trth.
    -Sainny and Snowa


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